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「Call me hero」Tainan 39 Short Film Contestival





 When we received the theme, we reconsidered the definition of a hero. We deem a genuine hero not as one that is in scientific stories, movies or cartoons, but the one that lives among our life.
 Therefore, the main concept of our film “ Call me hero” is that a hero doesn’t have to be mighty, a true hero appears while one faces the past. We set the main character as a mistress, trying to reconstruct the common model of a hero with humor and realism. Thus, different from ordinary heroic stories, we didn’t convey our concepts in a positive way. We expect every audience can find something in common through this film, realizing when encountering obstacles, we all wish for the hero to come and rescue us, but in the end, we found out that we are the one to save ourselves.

主演 | 鄭異凡 謝宇涵
導演 | 陳裕凱
製員 | 杜祐任
編劇 | 程國昊
攝影 | 王煒堉 
燈光 | 吳祐炘
美術 | 嚴崇文 林奕㚬
三妝 | 羅珮榕 林奕㚬
成音 | 李姿慧

音樂 | 李姿慧
設計 | 陳品潔
剪接 | 程國昊 陳裕凱
側拍 | 李哲良
攝影助理 | 周伯燁 
製片助理 | 方冠今
編劇顧問 | 張子陶

本片 榮獲 2015大台南39小時拍片競賽【最佳劇情獎】

   入圍  馬達加斯加短片電影節

      International Short Film Festival Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar


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