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「碳粉俠」 Toner Catcher形象影片

「Toner Catcher」The Ad. for TONER CATCHER.


Toner Catcher的形象影片,特寫產品本身的特徵,並結合少見的9拍子音樂。音樂以穩固的低音作為基底,抓住畫面的閃動的節奏,用不同的合成器配著碳粉被製造到吸收的過程,後來情緒越來越滿載,最後卻只留下局部的產品與Toner Catcher的字樣,期望能引發觀眾的好奇心,想更了解碳粉匣產品的內容,繼而觀賞碳粉匣的介紹影片,並思考這部短片每個鏡頭所藏著的意義。

“Toner Cartridge” is a publicity film for Toner Chatcher presenting the product features. This video combines with nine beat music. Solid bass sound is used as background music to echo the tempo of images. Different synthesizers are used to echo the process of making and absorbing toner. We intend to trigger curiosity of audience along with the music.

導演 | 陳裕凱
攝影 | 陳裕凱 
音樂 | 李姿慧



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